Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday 28th of November. I've had an unusually interesting week. Work has progressed well, fall continues to linger so walks are enjoyable and I had 3 peeple over to dinner who topped it all off. I picked up Lance Richardson who is at the MacDowell Colony and invited Sy Montgomery and her husband Howard Mansfield for dinner. Sy has become so well known with her many books about animals but the one about the Octopus really put her on the map. They all got along so well and there was never a lull in the conversation all evening. My understanding is that they will stay in touch. Lance is writing the biography of Peter Matthiessen. Sy added another story about Peter about when she had dinner with him years ago. Per usual, it was not all flattering. What a complex man he was. Brilliant and sometimes difficult. My work seems to be going well. I have narrowed the subject down to about 3 elements. Greys for the colors of rocks and stones, celedon green for the ubiquitous moss in out area and just an astract surface on the panels representing both. A bit of blue for water or sky. I am using everything I learned the last few years with RC and Jerry Mclauglan. At first I did not understand his work as much as Rebecca's but after time I embraced it. Much of his work comes from bouts of depression while mine comes from simplifying what I and moss and nature. At this point I have no images as nothing is complete. I hope to have some soon and to start my commission for Carol. As with previous works, there will be stones inserted into the panels but the colors muted to the three elemental ones.

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