Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Spring just flew by. I can barely remember it it seems so long ago. We had a tremendous amount of rain so there was little chance to garden. This week, the first week of August, I did my first gardening but it was mostly comprised of weeding. No vegetables as the deer eat them just as they are ready to harvest. Plus my Hostas just as they are about to bloom.
It has been a wonderful summer filled with long hours and days in the studio. I have nearly finished 6 pieces in the Vanishing Landscape Series. The 2 last ones are more white than the previous ones which are more of the Renaissance palette.  The subject matter is more about the stones and stone pillars of New England and other parts of the world that I love. LD and I spent hours creating a video about my process of painting and constructing paintings. My first video posted on YouTube.

I have almost finished the book, Chalk. A biography about Cy Twombly. His bravery to paint whatever he chose has been inspiring for me.The same with the Agnes Martin book I finished previously. Both artists absolutely followed their own path often with disdain from others. Their stories have encouraged me to return to the Vanishing Landscape paintings, drilling holes, inserting boxes along with spontaneous landscapes. Having finally separated myself from the chains of gold....the desire to sell...I am freed up to paint from the heart.  I always do my best work then.  Case in point....I sold the piece that got juried into the FAM Annual show in Fitchburg, MA. Very curious who purchased it.

Vanishing Landscape X, 60x48 inches
Oils, CWM, antique box inserted into panel.

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