Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sensitive Chaos REdux

Summer show at West Branch, Stowe VT. Since I returned home from FL I have virtually been living in my studio preparing for the upcoming show in VT. I feel a great responsibility as it is a solo show and a rather large space. It also is different from last year's show at St Gaudens. St G's was a museum setting. No need to worry about sales. This show is a commercial gallery so there is the added pressure to sell. West Branch has been my best venue the past year. Sold two of my eight foot paintings and one of them twice. Well, that could not happen because it had sold one hour before a second client came and wanted to purchase the same piece. The gallery has a wonderful clientele who appreciate high end art and are willing to pay for it. My subject matter is the same as last year's. I use my local pond as a Muse. Many walks peering into the waters inspire my imagery in wax. The long panels are different from last year's. I put areas of quiet on both ends. These abstract areas are pigments encased in shellac and fired up with a torch. I had a friend come over to help. She is also working with encaustic. I felt with help, we had a better chance of getting consistency on the ends. These areas look like stone and moss. As I walk, I would wonder how one would ever replicate moss and stone. It's a nice contrast to all that's going on within the larger part of the panel. It's a bit uncontrollable but so is nature as portrayed in my body of work, Sensitive Chaos. Taking a couple of days off to recharge my batteries. Then on to fulfilling obligations for other galleries. Will have a show in MD in the summer and also in the fall. 'Sensitive Chaos' has been well received.....

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