The show went up smoothly at Lawrence Academy just after New Years. But it was a disappointing opening. They scheduled the opening the night of the school dance so there were no students at all. About 10 friends showed up as the weather was dreadful. Oh well, at least the new work is hanging in a lovely large space for two months rather than hanging in the studio. As soon as I remove the work, I will drive it to Stowe VT for the Spring show which opens on the 22nd of March.
While I have no chance to work these days, I am doing the publicity part. I was juried into an online art publication that is sent to galleries and museums internationally. A bit of a vanity press but it can't hurt. Also posted work on Saatchi Online which has been quite successful for my painter friend Helen Shulman. So, let's hope, the Muse is waiting for me on Sperling Avenue.